is a interesting site. It is a fascinating and extremely creative - I wish I had know about it earlier. In my job, I am always surfing the net and reading lm-net. I always stumble upon great sites, bookmark them and eventually, for the most part, forget about them. Having the ability to give the site numerous tags is ideal and I especially like the part that I can use them at home. Many times I get home and want to go on a site and just can't remember the website addresss. Very useful site!
Technorati has some potential but definitely not on the top of my list - much like RSS feeds. Partly it's because there is no time in my day for reading the newspaper never mind logging on and reading a blog on the computer. I spend too much time looking at a computer screen so blogs are at the bottom of my list. The only positive aspect is that if I need to find a blog or a teacher asks if there are any appropriate ones, I now know where to look.
Web 2.0 - many, many possibilities! Just wish I had time to start implementing all of them! Web 2.0 is the avenue for creativity, collaboration and with funding getting scarce, a program with no cost involved! Web 2.0 works with the changing nature of communication, learning, and for our students, their relationships with their peers. It really has some awesome potential within the elementary settting and I plan to explore ways of using Web 2.0 more thoroughly. Having a 20 something intern this spring is eye opening as she is very adept at the Web 2.0 applications. As teachers and educators, we have to realize Web 2.0 applications will be an important part of our students' futures. We need to think about news ways to meet their needs and work with the emerging technologies particularly Web 2.0.
Now let's see if I can move this document from Zoho to my blog....
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